Glossary of Terms
- Additional services
- These are services such as packing, appliance servicing,
unpacking, or stair carries that you request or need and
may result in additional charges.
- Advanced charges
- These are charges for services performed by a third party
at your request. These charges are paid for by the mover
and added to your total charges.
- Adjacent
- Near or next to but not necessarily touching.
- Adjoining
- Actually touching that which it is next to; abutting.
- Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)
- A mortgage whose interest rate is adjusted periodically
corresponding with changes in a specified index.
- Affordability analysis
- A calculation of an amount that a person can borrow to
purchase a home. An affordability analysis takes into consideration
your income, expenses, and available funds, along with the
type of mortgage you plan to use, and the closing costs
you might expect to pay.
- Agent
- A licensed representative given power to act on behalf
of another, who provides information, advice, and assessment
of current market conditions.
- Amortization schedule
- A timetable of periodic payments of a mortgage loan. The
amortization schedule shows the how each payment is allocated
between interest and principal and shows the remaining balance
after each payment is made.
- Amortization term
- The amount of time required to fully repay the mortgage
loan expressed as a number of months. For example, for a
30-year fixed-rate mortgage, the amortization term is 360
- Application
- A form used to apply for a mortgage loan. The application
records financial information of a prospective mortgagor.
- Appreciation
- An increase in the value of a property (the opposite is
depreciation). Property can appreciate due to a number of
reasons including changes in economic conditions.
- Asking price
- The price at which the owner wishes to sell a property.
- Asset
- Anything of monetary value that is owned by a person.
Assets include real property, personal property, and enforceable
claims against others (including bank accounts, stocks,
mutual funds, and so on).
- Attorney-in-fact
- An individual with the ability to execute documents on
behalf of another as a result of a power of attorney.
- Balance sheet
- A financial statement for a business that shows assets,
liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date.
- Balloon mortgage
- A loan which is amortized for a longer period than the
term of the loan. Usually this refers to a thirty-year amortization
and a five-year term. At the end of the term of the loan,
the remaining outstanding principal on the loan is due.
This final payment is known as a "balloon payment."
- Bankruptcy
- A proceeding in a federal court in which a debtor is relieved
from the responsibility of all debts after transferring
all assets to a trustee.
- Bill of lading
- Your bill of lading is the contract between you and the
mover. It is also your receipt. It is important to understand
everything on the bill of lading before you sign it.
- Binder
- A preliminary agreement, secured by a cash deposit, under
which a buyer offers to purchase real estate. See earnest
money deposit.
- Binding estimate
- A flat price based upon a given inventory. No matter how
long the job takes, the flat price is always paid.
- Broker
- A person who, for a commission or a fee, brings parties
together and assists in negotiating contracts between them.
See mortgage broker.
- Budget
- A detailed list of anticipated income and expenses. A
budget can provide guidelines for managing future investments
and expenses.
- Buydown
- When the home builder (or seller) subsidizes the mortgage
by lowering the interest rate during the first few years
of a loan. Payments will increase when the subsidy expires.
This process allows a buyer to qualify for a larger loan
with the expectation of future income increases to enable
the borrower to afford the increased payments.
- Buyer's agent
- An agent that represents the buyer in the real estate
- Cap
- A provision of an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) that
limits how much the interest rate or mortgage payments may
increase or decrease. See lifetime payment cap, lifetime
rate cap, periodic payment cap, and periodic rate cap.
- Carrier
- This refers to the mover that you are working with.
- Certificate of deposit (CD)
- A document written by a bank or other financial institution
evidencing a deposit that will be returned with interest
at a specified interest rate within a specified time period.
- C.O.D.
- Cash on delivery.
- Common area assessments
- Levies against individual unit owners in a condominium
or planned unit development (PUD) project for funds to defray
homeowners' association costs and expenses and to repair,
replace, maintain, improve, or operate the common areas
of the project. The allocation of the proportionate individual
share of the common expenses
- Common areas
- Portions of a building, land, and amenities owned (or
managed) by a planned unit development (PUD) or condominium
project's homeowners' association (or a cooperative project's
cooperative corporation) that are for equal use by all of
the unit owners, who share in the expenses of their operation
and maintenance. Common areas include swimming pools, tennis
courts, and other recreational facilities. In a condominium
or cooperative, the buildings, parking areas, and other
commonly-owned assets.
- Comparables
- A common-use term meaning "comparable properties". Comparables
are properties similar to property under consideration;
they have reasonably the same size, location, and amenities
and have recently been sold. Comparables help the appraiser
determine the approximate fair market value of the subject
- Condominium
- A real estate project (may be dwelling, office, garage,
marina) in which each unit owner has title to a unit and
an undivided interest in the common areas of the project,
and sometimes the exclusive use of certain limited common
- Condominium conversion
- Changing the ownership of an existing building (usually
a rental project) to the condominium form of ownership
- Contingency
- A condition that must be met before a contract is legally
binding. For example, home purchasers often include a contingency
that specifies that the contract is not binding until the
purchaser obtains a satisfactory home inspection report
from a qualified home inspector.
- Cooperative (co-op)
- A type of multiple ownership in which the residents of
a multiunit housing complex own shares in the cooperative
corporation that owns the property, giving each resident
the right to occupy a specific apartment or unit.
- Counter-offer
- A rejection of the original offer by proposing a new offer,
thereby terminating the original offer.
- Credit
- An agreement in which a borrower receives something of
value in exchange for a promise to repay the lender at a
later date.
- Credit history
- A record of an individual's open and fully repaid debts
used by a lender to determine whether the individual has
a history of repaying debts in a timely manner.
- Closing
- A meeting between a buyer and seller (and their respective
agents and/or attorneys) at which a sale of a property is
finalized and the deed is delivered to the buyer in exchange
for the purchase price. Also called "settlement."
- Commission
- The fee paid to a broker for successfully concluding a
real estate or loan transaction. A commission is generally
a percentage of the price of the property or loan.
- Consumer reporting
agency (or bureau)
- An organization that prepares reports used by lenders
to determine a potential borrower's credit history. The
agency obtains data for these reports from a credit repository
as well as from other sources.
- Contingency
- A condition that must be met before a contract is legally
binding. For example, home purchasers often include a contingency
that specifies that the contract is not binding until the
purchaser obtains a satisfactory home inspection report
from a qualified home inspector.
- Contract
- An oral or written binding agreement between two or more
competent parties to do or not to do some legal act for
a legal consideration.
- Contract for Sale (or Deed)
- A contract between purchaser and a seller of real estate
to convey title after certain conditions have been met;
a form of installment sale.
- Credit
- An agreement in which a borrower receives something of
value in exchange for a promise to repay the lender at a
later date.
- Credit history
- A record of an individual's open and fully repaid debts
used by a lender to determine whether the individual has
a history of repaying debts in a timely manner.
- Creditor
- A person to whom money is owed.
- Credit report
- A report of an individual's credit history prepared by
a credit bureau and used by a lender in determining a loan
applicant's creditworthiness. See merged credit report.
- Credit repository
- An organization that gathers, records, updates, and stores
financial and public records information about the payment
records of individuals who are being considered for credit.
- Debt
- An amount owed to another. See installment loan and revolving
- Debt-to-Income Ratio
- The ratio of a borrower's monthly payment obligation on
long-term debts divided by gross monthly income expressed
as a percentage. See housing expenses-to-income ratio.
- Deed
- A legal document conveying title to a property.
- Deed-in-lieu (of foreclosure)
- A deed given by a mortgagor to the mortgagee to satisfy
a debt and avoid foreclosure. Also called a "voluntary conveyance."
- Deed of trust
- The document used in some states instead of a mortgage
when title is conveyed to a trustee.
- Deposit
- A sum of money or other valuable consideration given to
bind the sale of real estate, or to ensure payment or an
advance of funds in the processing of a loan. See earnest
money deposit.
- Down payment
- Money paid to make up the difference between the purchase
price and the mortgage amount.
- Earnest money deposit
- A deposit made by the potential home buyer at the time
of an offer. See binder, deposit.
- Effective gross income
- All annual income including salary, overtime and bonus
that is regular or guaranteed from all sources.
- Encumbrance
- Limitations against a person's interest in a property,
such as mortgages, leases, easements, or restrictions.
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)
- A federal law requiring lenders and other creditors to
make credit equally available without discrimination based
on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital
status, or receipt of income from public assistance programs.
- Equity
- The difference between the fair market value of the property
and the amount of debt outstanding against it.
- Escrow
- Money, documents or other items of value in the care of
a third party to be released upon the fulfillment of a condition.
For example, the deposit by a borrower with the lender of
funds to pay real estate taxes and insurance premiums when
they become due, or the deposit of funds or documents with
an attorney or escrow agent to be disbursed upon the closing
of a sale of real estate.
- Escrow account
- The account in which escrow payments are held.
- Examination of title
- The report on the title of a property from the public
records or an abstract of the title.
- Fair Credit Reporting
- A law that regulates the disclosure of consumer credit
reports and histories by reporting agencies and establishes
procedures for correcting mistakes on one's credit record.
- Fair Housing Act
- A law that prohibits discrimination in sales of property
or the granting of loans on the basis of race, religion,
color, national origin, sex, familial status, or handicap.
- Fannie Mae (FNMA)
- A New York Stock Exchange Company providing the nation's
largest source of financing for home mortgages. It operates
pursuant to a federal charter and is and the largest non-bank
financial services company in the world. (Federal National
Mortgage Association)
- Fannie Mae's Community Home Buyer's
- A plan under which mortgage insurers and Fannie Mae offer
flexible underwriting guidelines to increase a low or moderate
income family's buying power by decreasing the total amount
of cash needed to purchase a home.
- Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
- An agency of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) which insures residential mortgage loans
made by private lenders. While the FHA sets standards for
construction and underwriting, it does not lend money or
plan or construct housing.
- Fixed-rate mortgage (FRM)
- A mortgage in which the interest rate remains constant
during the entire term of the loan, regardless of the change
in market interest rates.
- Fixture
- Personal property that is attached to real property becoming
part of the real property.
- Foreclosure
- The legal process by which a borrower is deprived of their
interest in the mortgaged property. This usually is the
last action taken by a lender to collect from a borrower
in default. Foreclosure involves a forced sale of the property
at public auction with the proceeds of the sale being applied
against the mortgage debt.
- Home inspection
- An examination conducted by a person (usually a licensed
professional) contracted by the buyer to evaluate the structure,
systems and mechanical condition of a property. A satisfactory
home inspection is often included as a contingency by the
- Homeowners association
- A nonprofit association comprised of all owners that manages
the assets (physical and monetary) of any common-ownership-type
property such as a condominium, cooperative, planned unit
development (PUD) or any other property developed with common
ownership. In a condominium project, it has no ownership
interest in the common elements. In a PUD project, it holds
title to the common property. In a cooperative, it owns
all the property.
- Homeowner's insurance
- An insurance policy that protects a dwelling and its contents
from personal liability and damage. Sufficient coverage
is required by lenders.
- Income
- Amount earned or gained; not a return of capital.
- Index
- A number used to compute the interest rate for an adjustable-rate
mortgage (ARM). The index is generally a published number
or percentage, such as the average interest rate or yield
on Treasury bills. An amount known as a margin is added
to the index to determine the interest rate that will be
charged on the ARM.
- Interest
- The fee charged for borrowing money.
- Inventory
- The detailed descriptive list of your household goods
showing the quantity and condition of each item.
- Judgment lien
- A lien on the property of a debtor resulting from the
decree of a court.
- Lien
- A legal claim on property of some obligation or debt.
- Local moving
- Local moving usually refers to moves of less than 100
miles within the same state. This type of move is based
on hourly rates and is regulated by the states DOT or other
regulatory body.
- Lock-in
- An agreement guaranteeing a specific interest rate and
points if a transaction is closed by a certain date.
- Lock-in period
- The time period during which the lender has guaranteed
an interest rate to a borrower. See lock-in.
- Long distance
- These refer to moves of more than 100 miles within one
state or moves between two states.
- Margin
- The amount added to an index to establish the interest
rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) on each adjustment
date, subject to any limitations on the interest rate change.
See index.
- Money market account
- An account that provides depositors with a slightly higher
rate of interest than an ordinary savings account. Money
market accounts are not FDIC insured.
- Money market fund
- A mutual fund that invests in short-term debt securities,
such as certificates of deposit and Treasury bills.
- Monthly payment mortgage
- A mortgage that requires payments to be made once each
- Mortgage
- A contract in which a lender loans funds and receives
secured interest in property until the funds are repaid.
- Non-binding or hourly
- Customers are charged by the hour per man, per truck.
- Offer
- An intentional proposal or promise made by one party to
act or perform provided the other party acts or performs
in the manner requested.
- Order for service
- This is the authorizing document that allowing movers
to move your goods.
- Order Number
- This also refers to the Bill of Lading. It's the number
used to identify and track your shipment.
- Peak season rates
- A premium rate is typically charged at certain times of
the year, usually summer. You can sometimes get a break
on fees in the winter.
- Private mortgage insurance, which protects the lender
in case of default by the borrower. PMI is often used when
buyers obtain financing with less than a 20% down payment.
- Point
- A charge by the lender representing 1 percent of the amount
of the mortgage.
- Points (loan discount points)
- Prepaid interest assessed at closing by the lender. Each
point is equal to 1 percent of the loan amount.
- Pre-qualification
- A determination of how much money a prospective home buyer
will be eligible to borrow before he or she applies for
a loan.
- Principal, interest, taxes, and insurance
- The four components of a monthly mortgage payment often
referred to as one. See principal and interest. Taxes and
insurance represent amounts that are paid into an escrow
account for property taxes and hazard and/or mortgage insurance.
- Property
- A bundle of legal rights for real estate.
- Property Tax
- A charge imposed on the assessed value of real estate,
to be used to support the State or municipality who in turn
utilizes the funds in the best interest of the general public.
- Qualifying Ratios
- Housing and debt ratios used by lenders to determine a
potential borrower's credit-worthiness. The ratios are expressed
as numbers like 28/36 where 28 would be the housing ratio
and 36 would be the debt ratio. The housing ratio of 28
means that housing expenses should not exceed 28 percent
of gross monthly income and the debt ratio of 36 means that
housing expenses plus long term debt should not exceed 36
percent of gross monthly income.
- Record
- To place any document or instrument affecting title or
an interest in real property in the public records of the
county in which the property is located.
- Recorder
- The public official sometimes called a "Registrar of Deeds"
or "County Clerk." or "Clerk of the Court" who
keeps records of legal transactions in a jurisdiction.
- Recording
- Entering into the public records the written documents
affecting title to real property, such as a properly executed
legal document (deeds, mortgage notes, satisfactions of
mortgage) thereby making it a part of the public record.
Constructive notice. See recorder.
- Real estate
- Land including the air above and the earth below plus
any permanent improvements affecting the utility of the
land. Property that is not personal property.
- Real estate agent
- A person licensed to negotiate and transact the sale of
real estate on behalf of the property owner. See agent.
- Real estate broker
- An agent who buys, sells, or rents real estate for a company,
firm, or individual on a commission basis. The broker does
not hold title to the property but generally represents
the owner.
- Settlement
- See closing.
- Settlement
disclosure statement
- A list giving a complete breakdown of costs involved in
a real estate transaction prepared by the lender�s agent
at closing.
- Simple Interest
- Interest computed only on the principle balance.
- Stair-carry charge
- This is an extra charge for carrying items up or down
flights of stairs.
- Storage-in-Transit (SIT)
- This refers to temporary warehousing of your goods pending
further transportation or transportation to your new home
if it isn't ready for occupancy. You may not exceed a total
of 180 days of storage.
- Survey
- A professionally created drawing or map indicating precise
legal boundaries of a property, location of improvements,
easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical
features. The method of measuring boundaries and determining
land areas.
- Tax
- An enforced charge imposed on persons, property or income.
Compulsory payment by a citizen to a unit of government.
- Taxable Value
- The assessed value less allowable exemptions resulting
in an amount to which the tax rate is applied to determine
property taxes due.
- Title
- The group of rights that represent ownership of real property
and the quality of the estate owned. A legal document evidencing
a person's right to or ownership of property.
- Title company
- A company that specializes in examining and insuring titles
to real estate.
- Title insurance
- Insurance policies that protect the lender or the buyer
against errors or omissions or defects in the title of a
- Title search or
- An examination of municipal records to determine the legal
ownership of property and to confirm any liens, special
assessments, other claims or restrictive covenants filed
in the record
- Trustee
- A person or party, either appointed or required by law
to administer or manage another�s property. An escrow agent.
- VA mortgage
- A long-term, low- or no-down payment loan guaranteed by
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Restricted to individuals
qualified by military service or other entitlements.
- Valuation
- The amount your goods are worth.
- Walk-through inspection
- Final inspection of a property�s condition by the buyer,
done before closing, to ensure that all conditions noted
in the offer-to-purchase have been met.
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