You can change your some cases!
Before the Contract Is Signed
The key word is "before"!
This right is always available to you before the contract is signed by both parties. If you can't negotiate on a price that is acceptable to both parties, walk away. Just because you put an offer on a home, doesn't mean you have to purchase that home. There are ways to walk away. Sometimes deals just don't seem to come together. If this is the case, just accept defeat and know that there is another house out there for you.
What About AFTER?
Get professional help. If you have signed a contract, turn to your attorney.
There may be a way to break the contract without penalty should things start to go sour. At the very least, your attorney should be able to handle any messy dealings with intolerable brokers or sellers.
You don't have to deal with it yourself. You can get help from people who know all the games and all the tricks. Don't get involved if you don't have to.
Now let's look at some Pitfalls to avoid:
Be a Short List... But your rights are extremely important. Know them. Let's test how well you learned in the quick quiz on the next page. Be sure to review the sections of the course related to your WRONG answers!
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