Finding a Remodeler to Help...
Select Wisely!
Safety Concerns
You have to be sure you make the right decision! The person you choose to remodel your house will be carrying a hammer, spending time around your children and your dog, and have access to your checkbook (in a figurative sense).
It is absolutely critical that you make the right decision. You can't afford to make a wrong decision.
Always Always Always...
...ask around.
Ask your friends and neighbors for referrals. Conduct careful interviews and check references. Visit previous jobs to check the quality level of the work. And take every precaution you can. Your choice will impact not only your budget, but the quality of the work and the safety of the situation. This is one area in which you cannot skimp or cut corners. You will get what you pay for. If it comes down to a choice between a quality product and quality professional, choose the professional every time.
How do you begin?
Close to home.
The best place is to start is in your own neighborhood and within your own circle of friends. Ask people you know who have had recent remodeling projects who they used and if they were satisfied. Referrals from friends, neighbors and business colleagues are the best way to find a remodeling contractor.
Avoid the Yellow Pages!
It's NOT the best guide. Whatever you do, don't start with the largest advertisements in the yellow pages! Remodeling is serious business and a serious investment of your time and money-qualified referrals, research and legwork are the best approach to finding the right person for the project. You should set aside a length of time to pre-qualify a prospective contractor before you start interviewing. Look for a company that has good credentials and credibility-not the lowest price.
The person you choose will determine the success of your project. The good news is that you can have a success by conducting qualifying interviews, following up on references and credentials, and by considering all aspects of the remodeling project-the physical work and the emotional strain.
Buy Service...
Not product.
To begin, consciously decide to buy service over product. Any contractor can provide product. If you have decided to hire a professional to run your remodeling project, you have already made the decision to buy service. Keep that in mind when you are arranging and conducting your interviews. You need to look for the person whom you feel will provide you the best all-around service available, above-and-beyond the necessary construction skills.
Let's Look at Interview Questions We'll help you interview potential remodelers. Do you know what to ask?
Interviewing Remodelers
It's not so difficult. Think About Personality And make a list. Ask yourself what type of person you want to work with on a daily basis for the duration of the project.
Think About Personality
And make a list. Ask yourself what type of person you want to work with on a daily basis for the duration of the project.
There are several questions you should ask potential remodelers to establish credibility and credentials; but in your search for facts about the company, don't overlook asking those questions that will reveal personality traits of the contractor and the company. The emotional success of the project is as important as the construction side of it and will be determined by how much (or how little) stress is incurred by having the contractor and his or her employees and subcontractors in your home.
Ask yourself if you would mind greeting this person at the crack of dawn, or running into him or her after a long day at the office. Does he or she look like the type of person who would be easy to work with and who would be careful with your belongings?
Face it: this individual will be a part of your home life for the duration of the project. You need to choose wisely.
What to Look for...
The key questions.
There are many qualifying factors you should establish to find the right person for you and for your job. The following questions will help you establish a company's qualifications and reputation. You should add your own questions or qualifications to determine the comfort level and trust factor with each remodeler you interview. Here are some of the questions you should definitely ask any remodeler you interview. Use them as your measuring stick for making comparisons and determining the best match.
These Are the Basics...but there are other questions you really should ask.
The Rest of the Questions
Your interview is not over.
Continuing Your Questioning
Other questions you could ask in your interview session include:
There are many questions you can ask to minimize the confusion and educate yourself about the remodeling process and your particular project, but the most important question you need to ask is if you feel comfortable with and trust the person you are about to hire. Your answer to that question should make the hiring decision a little easier.
Avoid remodelers at all costs when:
Be cautious if:
Now That You Know How to Find a Remodeler...
Let's learn about trimming your remodeling budget.
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