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Courses in this Department

How to Buy Appliances

How to Save on Energy Bills

Remodeling Value

Woods and Islands in the Kitchen

All About Feng Shui

Ceiling Fan Facts and Fallacies

How to Select Carpet

Buy the Fireplace of the Future

How to Hire a Contractor

Get Wired with Smart Technology

Divide and Conquer

Secret Storage Spots

Redecorate Your Home on the Computer

You Can Decorate with the Stars

Are Your Cleaning Products Making Your Family Ill?


Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Not paying enough attention to the look of things. Curb appeal does matter. It can make the difference between a sale and a pass. Take a good look at your home's appearance�it does matter.

2. Not keeping an eye on the BIG payoffs. If you are going to remodel for resale, turn your attention to the kitchen, bath, and master suite. You may even want to add a bath or another room for even more resale value. These five remodeling projects average at least an 80% return on the investment and pique interest among homebuyers.

3. Going too fancy with the changes is often a big mistake. People like clean lines and simple rooms, especially in rooms like the kitchen and bath.

4. Forgetting about convenience. Look for ways to increase the comfort level of your home. Create a kitchen built for two cooks, not just one. Look at ways to accommodate people of all ages and capabilities. Make your home user friendly.

5. Not realizing that safety and cleanliness count for a lot. Make small changes that make the most of safety features and a clean look. These will increase your value enormously.

6. Having only one bath. Add one if you can. It will make a HUGE difference.

7. Not keeping your time frame in mind. Only spend the big bucks if you have to (i.e. if the roof is falling in) or if you plan on staying in the home more than 10 years.

Good Luck on Your Project!

Time for our quiz! And remember to keep your priorities.

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