That�s Your Responsibility
Advice... Who NOT to Ask!
First of all, choose the inspector yourself, rather than let your real estate agent do it for you. Although agents are capable of making honest and well-intentioned referrals, this is dangerous ground for real estate agents. Do NOT accept a referral from the seller's agent.
Who NOT to Hire And when.
WARNING: Do NOT hire a company that also performs construction or repairs, or refers clients to other repair companies. This is a clear conflict of interest.
Tips on Inspecting the Inspector The Qualifications Quiz:
1 � Ask the local Better Business Bureau:
Is there is a complaint record on the individual or company? If the company's record is clean, proceed with the other questions. If not, look for another inspector.
2 � How long have you been in business? (The longer the better.)
This is critical. Nothing beats experience in the field. It means the inspector has pleased enough customers to stay in business, and has dealt with a variety of home types and conditions.
3 � Can you give me at least three customer references?
Don't just ask for customer references, call them! Ask them very pointed questions.
Be sure to talk to people who have owned their homes for at least three months-- it can take that long for problems to show up.
Easy as 1 - 2 - 3...
But don't forget four and just a few more... to make sure you thoroughly inspect the inspector.
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