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Courses in this Department

How to Buy Appliances

How to Save on Energy Bills

Remodeling Value

Woods and Islands in the Kitchen

All About Feng Shui

Ceiling Fan Facts and Fallacies

How to Select Carpet

Buy the Fireplace of the Future

How to Hire a Contractor

Get Wired with Smart Technology

Divide and Conquer

Secret Storage Spots

Redecorate Your Home on the Computer

You Can Decorate with the Stars

Are Your Cleaning Products Making Your Family Ill?


Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Not realizing that Feng Shui is a Chinese discipline of creating harmony and balance in the home.

2. Thinking this is a fad and not worth your time.

3. Not realizing that it can raise your resale value.

4. Thinking of it only as a mysterious type of interior design and not seeing the practical applications of it for your home.

5. Getting carried away and changing more than it necessary. You can increase your energy flow and balance in your home without breaking the bank.

6. Not realizing that there are several sects of Feng Shui and that each "expert" will lead you in another direction if you allow it.

7. Believing all the myths about Feng Shui, such as mirrors can redirect negative energy or that every room is important in the flow of energy.

8. Buying into all the recommendations from a Feng Shui practitioner. Some changes can easily be done. Others require structural work and a lot of money. Use your common sense.

9. Not hiring a qualified Feng Shui expert before you make major changes in your home. Don't rely on a book that may or may not be accurate.

10. Not checking the background of any Feng Shui expert you choose before you follow their advice.

Those Are the Basics

That�s what Feng Shui is all about. Use it to improve your home and well being in practical ways. And remember the most important rule of Feng Shui, have fun!

Now, let's do the quiz...

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