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Courses in this Department

How to Buy Appliances

How to Save on Energy Bills

Remodeling Value

Woods and Islands in the Kitchen

All About Feng Shui

Ceiling Fan Facts and Fallacies

How to Select Carpet

Buy the Fireplace of the Future

How to Hire a Contractor

Get Wired with Smart Technology

Divide and Conquer

Secret Storage Spots

Redecorate Your Home on the Computer

You Can Decorate with the Stars

Are Your Cleaning Products Making Your Family Ill?


Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Not thinking about where you are going to use the carpet and what kind of abuse it is going to take. Look at traffic patterns before you buy. This can help you decide the level of durability you will need.

2. Being too conservative can be a mistake. Flooring is one of the largest backdrops you have in your home. It is a unifying element that can make or break a home. Get bold. It's your home. Choose something that will complement your style and décor.

3. Considering the various types of textures is key too. You will want to choose one that not only matches your activity level for that room, but the feel and atmosphere for the home.

4. Skimping on padding can be a mistake. A good pad can make even a mediocre carpet seem top-of-the-line. Take a good look at the various types of padding available and get the highest grade you can afford. If you have pets or children, consider selecting one that is stain and smell resistant, such as the vinyl pads.

5. Not considering how long you plan on staying in the home can be a mistake too. The grade of carpet you need will depend on how long you want it to last. If you are simply replacing the carpet for resale value, you may want to go for a lower grade that will last 5 years and save yourself some money.

6. The most important part of any carpet purchase is the installation. Do not try to save pennies on this part of the process. It won't matter how nice the pad and carpet are if they are installed poorly.

7. Miscalculating your carpet needs is also a BIG problem. Be sure the person who will be installing the carpet, measures it too. This will save you money and headaches in the long run.

Now You're Ready to Buy!

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