The Contractor you choose to remodel your house will be carrying a hammer, spending time around your children and your dog, and have access to your checkbook (in a figurative sense). This means you need to find a good one that you trust. But finding a qualified home improvement Contractor is easier said than done. It�s critical that you make the right decision. A wrong decision will cost you considerably more than lost money.
How do you begin? The best place to start is often in your own neighborhood and within your own circle of friends. Ask people you know who have had recent remodeling projects who they used and if they were satisfied. Referrals from friends, neighbors and business colleagues are the best way to find a remodeling Contractor. If you�ve applied for a home improvement loan your lender may have a list of contractors they believe to be reputable, who may be added to your list of prospects.
If you don�t use a neutral third party to screen a prospective contractor�s reputation and performance history, here are some of the questions you should definitely ask any remodeler you interview.
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