On Your Side
Featured Issue: Improve Your Home Improvement Savvy
Consumer Resources
The Federal Trade Commission www.ftc.gov/ftc/consumer.htm
FTC works to eliminate unfair or deceptive marketplace practices. Site includes areas of FTC involvement plus a complaint form for consumers.
Smart Consumer Services www.smartconsumerservices.org
SCS is a non-profit organization that provides low-cost contractor reference checks and contract advocacy reviews for home improvement or construction projects.
The Consumer Information Center www.pueblo.gsa.gov/
Catalog of free and low-cost federal publications of consumer interest from the General Services Administration.
The U.S. Consumer Gateway www.consumer.gov
The Better Business Bureaus www.pueblo.gsa.gov/crh/bbb.htm
Government Guide - Federal, State and Local Agencies Directory www.governmentguide.com/officals_and_agencies.adp?id=16101789
HUD Contractor Complaints