additional savings on your home and auto policies when you insure
both with Nationwide!
Welcome to Nationwide's Free Auto Quote. We know each customer
is unique. Each quote will be too, reflecting your situation and
specific needs. Don't worry, there's no obligation, and every quote
is private.
To receive a quote, simply provide us with the requested
information. When you get to the end, click on the Send
box and a representative from the Koziura Insurance Agency will
contact you with a quote within two working days. It will
be useful to have a copy of your current auto insurance, or a
recent billing statement, on hand to
provide the following information: Year, make and model on
all vehicles in your household; information on all drivers in your
household - name, birth date, driving record (any tickets or
accidents in last 60 months); optional, but useful:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on all vehicles in
your household. Additional information may be requested
when you are contacted.
it comes to auto insurance, more and more individuals, families and
businesses are choosing Nationwide; opting for quality, first and foremost.
underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies.
Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states.
Home Office: One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH 43215-2220
Nationwide® is a registered federal service mark of Nationwide Mutual
Insurance Company
2000 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
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