June 4, 2004  
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Take the AHA Savings Challenge

See how much more money you can have this year!

Although all questions are optional, please answer as many questions as possible, so that we can accurately measure your potential savings.

1. How many people in your house wear glasses?   
2. Do you buy magazines such as Home Magazine, US News &     World Report and Parents?
    Yes    No  
3. How much money did you spend on hotels and motels
    over the past year?
4. How much money did you spend for purchases of
    name brand products (i.e. jewelry, small appliances,
    electronics, luggage, sporting goods, furnishings, etc.)
    in the past year?
5. Do you use grocery coupons?
    Yes    No  
6. How much money do you spend sending flowers or gift baskets each year?   
7. Do you need any home appliance repairs?
    Yes    No  
8. How much money are you planning to spend on a home remodeling project?
  Under $500    Over $500