June 9, 2007  
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AHA Top Tips

These guides from the American Homeowners Association (AHA) show you how to navigate through the complexities of buying and owning your home while saving a lot of money and frustration. By following simple steps you can get the best value from your investment and avoid paying more than you have to. In plain language, we explain how to find the right home at the right price and avoid common mistakes home buyers make. As a homeowner, you'll discover little-known secrets about property taxes, mortgages, home improvements, and other "big ticket items." For example, we show you where high payments and hidden costs are buried in your mortgage, so you can save thousands of dollars. The energy efficiency section provides simple ways to reduce your air conditioning and heating bills. Guess who pays when your local officials overestimate your property tax? We explain the step-by-step process for challenging your property tax appraisal. And there's more. These Guides are just one of over 35 AHA membership benefits, all designed to save you time and money.

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