February 12, 2004  
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Aarons Baby Baskets – This specialized site offers a large selection of baby baskets and new baby gifts. BabiesRus.com – Babiesrus.coms vast selection of baby products, exclusive merchandise, and great deals means you will get the best of all worlds
Baby Outlet – Strollers, clothing, feeding supplies, and accessories. BabyBazaar.com – The shopping place for baby gifts, gear, clothing ...
BabyCenter, L.L.C. – Information and products serving the needs of parents and parents-to-be babymint.com – BabyMint is a free rebating program that helps families save money for college
babystyle - estyle – Stylish, affordable maternity and baby clothing, charming nursery furnishings, high-quality baby gear, the best toys, unique gifts. BabyUniverse – Purchase toys, clothes, accessories and furniture on our online store
Back In The Saddle – Riding apparel, equine gifts, jewelry, home decor and miniatures for Breyer horses Dreamtime Baby – Offering designer crib bedding, strollers, car seats, toys and travel accessories
Fields.com – Fine merchandise and service. Gap.com – One of the world's largest specialty clothing retailers.
iMaternity – The leading designer, manufacturer, and marketer of maternity fashion in the U.S., with over 900 locations nationwide Jordan Marie – Unique clothes for baby, infant and toddler.
Kmart.com – Big savings, big value, big selection and big convenience. Martha Stewart – Recipes, Gardening, Crafts, Weddings, Home Decorating, Baby and Kids
Nursery Depot – The Internet's largest selection of crib and twin bedding, furniture, and accessories for your nursery or kids room Oldnavy.com – Affordable, fashionable clothing and accessories for adults, kids, baby, and Moms-to-be.
One Step Ahead / Leaps and Bounds – Safety items, nursing, feeding, bathing, toys, and nursery decor Robeez Footwear Ltd. – Leather slip-on shoes and slippers, for infants, babies and children
Sears Home Center – A leading retailer of apparel, home and automotive products and services. Sensational Beginnings – Come and shop for gifts for children you love.
Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC – Always Low Prices!

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