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Courses in this Department

Build a Safe Home Playground

Fences Make Good Neighbors

All About Arbors and Trellises

Deck Design

Green Grass the Professional Way

Mailbox Beautification: Landscaping to the Letter

How to Live with Wildlife

Termite Proof Landscaping

Ornamental Trees are Year-Round Performers


How to Live with Wildlife

For many people, country living is a dream. The quiet tranquility of chirping birds and babbling streams are the perfect haven from the hectic pace of the city or even the stress of suburban life. If you're fortunate to find an escape in the countryside, though, be aware that your neighbors may be a little on the wild side. Each year, wild animals harass tens of thousands of homeowners in the United States. About 8,000 people alone suffer from venomous snakebites. Countless more are sprayed by skunks or hassled by raccoons. But there are many ways to live in harmony with nature and still enjoy your country home.

About this course

This lesson will give you some useful tips on how to deal with nature at your doorstep. Much of it is common sense but reminders are always helpful. Over the next 15 minutes you will learn how to live with bears, deer, snakes, raccoons, skunks and coyotes.

What You'll learn in this course:

Pets and Wildlife
Deer, Raccoons & Skunks
Coyotes, Snakes & Bears
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Let�s Get Started

First, we'll take a look at how your pets and their "neighbors" get along...

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